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Kamala Harris is the worst communist EVER. Just ask Goldman Sachs.

Great news, fellow patriots. I’ve found another thing Democratic presidential nominee “Comrade Kamala Harris” is bad at: Communism.
As you’ve probably heard from GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and other wise leaders on the right, Harris is a communist, a socialist, a Marxist and probably a bunch of other -ists meant to scare you.
On Wednesday, Trump posted a video of himself on his social media account saying: “Comrade Kamala Harris is terrible for our country, absolutely terrible. She is a communist, has always been a communist and will always be a communist.”
At a reelection campaign event last month, Trump said of Harris: “All we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that’s going to destroy our country.”
Trump supporter Elon Musk recently posted an AI-generated image of Harris wearing a red commie uniform and wrote: “Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?”
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And at an annual Moms for Liberty conference in Washington, D.C., last week, The Associated Press noted a painting near a security checkpoint attendees had to pass through that “showed Vice President Kamala Harris kneeling over a bald eagle carcass, a communist symbol on her jacket and her mouth dripping with blood.”
Look, if Trump, Musk AND Moms for Liberty are communicating to me that the sitting vice president of the United States is a communist, I’m going to believe them, because I’ve never known those folks to lie or be hypocritical.
And so I am appalled ‒ APPALLED, I tell you ‒ that an actual, dyed-in-the-wool communist is running for president.  
But what’s even more appalling is recent revelations from economists at investment giant Goldman Sachs that a Harris victory in November would boost the U.S. economy while a Trump victory would be a “hit to growth.”
I’m sure Trump would be reasonable:Donald Trump’s 10 very specific demands for a debate with Kamala Harris, probably.
That’s right, the economists wrote: “If Democrats sweep, new spending and expanded middle-income tax credits would slightly more than offset lower investment due to higher corporate tax rates, resulting in a very slight boost to GDP investment due to higher corporate tax rates, resulting in a very slight boost to GDP growth on average over 2025-2026.”
And if Trump beats Comrade Kamala the communist? The Goldman Sachs report said: “We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from continuing most corporate tax reductions.
Why are some of the biggest capitalists on the planet at Goldman Sachs telling us that a communist-dictator-in-waiting will be better for our economy?
This comes hot on the heels of a nonpartisan Penn Wharton Budget Model report showing that Capitalist King Trump’s economic plan would balloon the deficit nearly five times more than Communist Comrade Kamala’s.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know exactly what the words “communism” and “socialism” mean, because figuring that out would require reading and I believe knowledge is a form of liberal indoctrination.
But I’m 100% sure that Trump, Musk and other Republicans and sensible right-wing activists who want to ban books know the precise definition of the words they’re assigning to Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
So if Harris and Walz are DEFINITELY communists I should be afraid of, then the only logical conclusion from the Goldman Sachs news is this: Harris and Walz are absolutely terrible at being communists.
And that’s pathetic. I don’t think America can afford to elect communist leaders who fail so miserably at their most basic function of being communists. 
Just listen to what Comrade Kamala was spouting on the campaign trail Wednesday as she touted her communist economic policy aimed at helping small businesses: “We will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000. It’s essentially a tax cut for starting a small business.
“Second, my plan will help existing small businesses grow. We will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will ‒ and this is very important ‒ cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be.”
What the heck kind of commie talks like that? Harris should view the petite bourgeoisie of small business owners as a group bound to fail in a capitalist system, one that eventually gets absorbed by either the bourgeoisie who own the means of production or the proletariat who work for them. It’s “Workers of the world, unite!” not “Small business owners of the world, succeed with low-interest government loans!”
Comrade Kamala is clearly not just a failed vice president, as Trump has said. She’s also a failed communist who would help grow America’s economy with sound, worker-friendly capitalist policies.
No way I’m voting for that kind of incompetence.
Follow USA TODAY columnist Rex Huppke on X, formerly Twitter, @RexHuppke and Facebook
